Arrested on a Cruise Ship

Last Modified: August 21, 2024

Cruises of the Mexican Riviera and other waterways bring together a potentially volatile mix of people for a short period of time. Physical altercations and sexual encounters occur, often involving people who are drinking and unfamiliar with each other’s character and motivations.

When a criminal allegation is made aboard a cruise ship, officers are required to call in authorities — and, depending on the seriousness of the charge, that can mean the FBI. If you or a loved one has been arrested on a cruise or is currently under investigation at the Port of Los Angeles, the Port of Long Beach or elsewhere in Southern California, turn to attorney Daniel R. Perlman for informed counsel and aggressive defense representation.

Arrested on a Cruise Ship or Detained at Any California Port of Entry?

Our criminal defense firm is a proven resource for people facing state or federal criminal charges of all types. We are committed to thorough investigation and aggressive trial work or skilled negotiation to avoid felony convictions and harsh consequences for our clients. We can help you after any cruise ship, port-of-entry or border arrest for charges such as:

  • Sexual assault or another sex offense
  • Drug possession, sales or trafficking
  • A violent crime such as assault, domestic violence or battery
  • Smuggling or any form of illegal importation, whether involving drugs, weapons, money or foreign-purchased items you may not have known were illegal

Turn to a Dedicated, Trial-Proven Attorney and Dynamic Negotiator

If you are a victim of lies, false allegations or mistaken identity, our lawyers will go the distance to prove exactly that. If your case ultimately calls for resourceful negotiation with federal prosecutors or other authorities, you will have a former prosecutor who knows plea bargaining in depth on your side.

Discussing your case with anyone before consulting an experienced attorney can be a disastrous mistake. For a free consultation with a lawyer equipped to help if you have been detained or arrested on a cruise ship, contact our firm as soon as possible.

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