Category: DUI

Category: DUI
How A DUI Can Affect Your Car Insurance?
By: Matthew Cohen | November 19, 2023 | DUI
A DUI can affect your car insurance adversely. Contact our top rated DUI attorneys for a risk free consultation. How Does DUI Affect Car Insurance? If you receive a DUI, you may be faced with financial penalties that include fees, fines, and if an accident were involved, restitution as appropriate for other parties. But that’s […]...
What Happens On A Second DUI In California?
By: Matthew Cohen | October 22, 2023 | DUI
Getting a second DUI in California can have major impacts on your life. Our 2nd DUI Law guide provides information on penalties and changes to your license. What Happens on a Second DUI in California? As you might imagine, the penalties for obtaining a second DUI in the state of California tend to be harsher. […]...
What Happens On A 4th DUI In California?
By: Matthew Cohen | October 21, 2023 | DUI
Getting a 4th DUI in California can have major impacts on your life. Our 4th DUI Law guide provides information on penalties and changes to your license. What Happens on a Fourth DUI in California? When someone obtains a fourth DUI during a 10-year period the penalties can be extremely harsh. Even if there are […]...
What Happens If You Lose A DUI Trial?
By: Matthew Cohen | October 21, 2023 | DUI
Losing a DUI trial can have major affects on your sentence and freedom. We offer a Risk Free Consultation to anyone seeking DUI advice. A Guide to What Happens if You Lose a DUI Trial in California While many DUI cases end with a plea deal, there are some that will go all the way […]...
What Happens On A 3rd DUI In California?
By: Matthew Cohen | October 20, 2023 | DUI
Getting a 3rd DUI in California can have major impacts on your life. Our third DUI Law guide provides information on penalties and changes to your license. What Happens on a Third DUI in California? A third DUI within a 10-year period is very serious. While it is still classified as a misdemeanor (so long […]...
How To Hire A DUI Attorney
By: Matthew Cohen | October 17, 2023 | DUI
A DUI can affect your your personal and professional life adversely. Contact our top rated DUI attorneys for a risk free consultation. Clients facing charges for driving under the influence (DUI) are often unsure how to go about hiring an attorney to represent them in court and in their DMV hearing, especially if the DUI […]...
How To Beat A DUI Charge?
By: Matthew Cohen | October 14, 2023 | DUI
A DUI can affect your professional license and life significantly. Learn about top dui strategies for beating a DUI. We offer a risk free consultation. How to Beat a DUI Charge California laws are strict when it comes to driving under the influence (DUI), and if you have been charged or arrested for DUI in […]...
Guide To DUI And Security Clearance
By: Perlman & Cohen | November 24, 2022 | DUI
DUI charges affect your security clearance. We offer a risk free evaluation of your case and the affects on your clearance. How a DUI Affects Security Clearance A single DUI will not, by itself, cause the loss of your security clearance but it could bring into question your judgment and reliability, and if supported by […]...
Guide To DUI And Immigration
By: Perlman & Cohen | November 15, 2022 | DUI
DUI charges affect your immigration status. We offer a risk free evaluation of your case and the affects on your immigration status. How a DUI Affects Immigration Can you be deported for a DUI crime in California? While the courts have shown that a “normal DUI” does not directly affect immigration status, there are situations […]...
Guide For Navigating Marijuana DUI Charges
By: Perlman & Cohen | November 4, 2022 | Drug Crimes, DUI
Marijuana DUI charges are serious. Our top rated attorneys can help you navigate your case. View our guide for defense. What is Marijuana DUI California? A marijuana DUI occurs when someone is driving under the influence of marijuana to a degree that it impacts their ability to properly operate the vehicle. When people think of […]...
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