Detained or Arrested in an Airport

Last Modified: October 18, 2024

If you have been arrested for a crime or come under investigation at LAX or another Southern California airport, it is critical to get a skilled defense attorney involved as soon as you possibly can. You may have been shocked by the search that took place and your lack of constitutional protections in this situation. We understand that you may also be completely unfamiliar with Los Angeles or even the overall U.S. legal system.

Were You Arrested or Taken Into Custody After a Customs Search?

Arrests prompted by Customs or Immigration searches at California airports are common. Some involve drugs, weapons or other widely recognized illegal goods or activities. Many other “smuggling” charges at airports come as a complete surprise to people carrying other items such as:

  • Significant amounts of cash, jewelry or other valuable goods they did not properly and legally declare at a customs or immigration checkpoint
  • Plant or animal products not widely known to be illegal for possession in the United States
  • Counterfeit watches, clothing or other black market or “gray market” goods
  • Computers with illegal images classified as child pornography, files or correspondence indicating involvement in a criminal enterprise, or other incriminating or suspicious information

You Need Caring, Skilled Legal Counsel as Soon as Possible

Talking with federal agents or police extensively without a lawyer on your side is a tremendous risk. It is critical to recognize that they do not have to tell you the truth — about what will happen if you talk, for example — when you are arrested at a point of entry. You can count on attorney Daniel R. Perlman for counsel and dedicated protection of your rights after any airport or border arrest.

Mr. Perlman has assisted L.A. area residents, visitors passing through to other destinations such as Dallas or Minneapolis, and tourists from foreign destinations. He will know what to do for you immediately and every step of the way, whether you are in custody or were booked and released.

Our focus will be on identifying the absolute best legal options for you, whether your goals center on winning acquittal at trial, negotiating for a lesser charge and manageable consequences, and/or recovering property seized from you.

We are responsive and results-driven. For a free consultation on your case or the legal problems of a loved one you are desperate to help, call us now.

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