People who would never consider driving drunk commonly get charged with boating under the influence (BUI) in the Los Angeles area and elsewhere in Southern California. The most frequent scenario is a stop leaving harbor or coming back in, with law enforcement recognizing possible signs of erratic boating or a party on the water.
Essentially, California statutes covering BUI closely mirror those for driving a motor vehicle — and a BUI conviction does count as a DUI on your criminal record. An aggressive, resourceful defense attorney can be absolutely essential for earning acquittal or avoiding the harshest consequences.
At the Law Offices of Daniel Perlman, we can represent you wherever you were charged — whether in Newport Bay, on Pyramid Lake, or elsewhere — and whether your case involves:
Please do not underestimate the seriousness of Los Angeles boating under the influence charges. We urge you to contact us for clear counsel on the consequences you could face, lines of defense and every available means of avoiding life-changing consequences. We offer a free consultation and can typically quote a flat fee for all services you will need.
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If you or a loved one needs the assistance of our criminal law attorneys, please feel free to contact us in the way that is most convenient to you, whether that is calling us at (310) 557-1700 or completing the contact form below. All fields are required.