Los Angeles Probation Violation Attorney

Last Modified: August 21, 2024

Los Angeles Probation Violation Attorneys

Los Angeles probation violations can be a serious offense if you are found in violation. If you are found guilty in violating your probation the judge may sentence you to the maximum sentence of your original case. The probation violation could mean days, months or even years in prison depending on your original charges and circumstances.

Types of Probation or Parole Violations in Los Angeles

We handle probation and parole violations such as:

  • Drug possession
  • Illegal weapons charges
  • Domestic violence
  • Associating with known criminals
  • Failed or skipped drug test
  • Failure to report to your probation or parole officer
  • Juvenile probation problems
  • Violations of other conditions of your release

If you are found in violation of probation you may face the following consequences:

  • Maximum Term of Imprisonment stated of your original case
  • Increase in the amount of time of probation
  • Requirement to complete physical labor (CalTrans)
  • Enrollment in a rehab or counseling
  • Community service hours

What is the difference between Probation and Parole?

  • California Penal Code 1203 – Probation.  (“(a) As used in this code, “probation” means the suspension of the imposition or execution of a sentence and the order of conditional and revocable release in the community under the supervision of a probation officer. As used in this code, “conditional sentence” means the suspension of the imposition or execution of a sentence and the order of revocable release in the community subject to conditions established by the court without the supervision of a probation officer. It is the intent of the Legislature that both conditional sentence and probation are authorized whenever probation is authorized in any code as a sentencing option for infractions or misdemeanors.”)
  • California Penal Code 3000 – Parole.  (“(a)(1) The Legislature finds and declares that the period immediately following incarceration is critical to successful reintegration of the offender into society and to positive citizenship. It is in the interest of public safety for the state to provide for the effective supervision of and surveillance of parolees, including the judicious use of revocation actions, and to provide educational, vocational, family and personal counseling necessary to assist parolees in the transition between imprisonment and discharge. A sentence pursuant to [California Penal Code] Section 1168 or 1170 shall include a period of parole, unless waived, or as otherwise provided in this article.”)

While a sentence of probation on a serious felony charge is always a good result, it’s easier than you might think to run the risk of a violation that can send you to prison on a suspended sentence.

Email or Call a Los Angeles Attorney Today!

If you need advice about ways to resolve a probation or parole violation in Southern California, contact the Law Offices of Daniel R. Perlman in Los Angeles. Call (310) 557-1700

Parole or Probation Violation Charges in Los Angeles

We advise and represent people with alleged probation or parole violations of the two most common kinds: an arrest on new charges or a technical violation of the terms of your release. You might have problems of both kinds, which can occur if you’re a passenger in a car pulled over for drunk driving and drugs are found in the vehicle. They might not be yours, but you will likely be charged anyway.

Our goal isn’t so much to defend your interests at a probation or parole violation hearing as it is to avoid the hearing altogether. We work closely with you and the district attorney to show that the violation shouldn’t justify revocation of your release.

To learn how we can work to expand your options for a good result on charges of a parole or probation violation in Southern California, contact Los Angeles probation violation attorney Daniel Perlman.

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