Los Angeles Methamphetamine Charges Lawyer

Last Modified: October 18, 2024

Many Los Angeles police officers and captains take a “death on meth” approach when patrolling the streets and enforcing drug laws. They know that methamphetamine is a highly addictive, relatively inexpensive narcotic that leads some users to commit other crimes. Possession of meth may be more likely to lead to arrest than involvement with any other drug.

Attorney Daniel R. Perlman has direct, successful experience defending people facing Los Angeles methamphetamine charges. He takes a nonjudgmental, forward-looking approach informed by extensive knowledge of available treatment programs. He is also a former prosecutor who knows Los Angeles County courts and officials extremely well.

Are You Facing Possession of Methamphetamine Charges in Los Angeles?

At our accomplished Southern California law firm, you can work with an attorney who will exhaust all options in the effort to prevent your felony conviction and help you get your life back on track. We can help if:

  • You believe you have been unjustly accused or were subjected to an illegal search.
  • You need honest, caring legal counsel focused on negotiating with the district attorney or presenting a compelling case for diversion and treatment to the judge.
  • You want to do everything in your power to help a juvenile child or other loved one avoid the extremely harsh consequences of a meth conviction.
  • You have been charged with drug manufacturing due to suspected operation or harboring of a meth lab on your premises.

We build the strongest possible cases for clients, based on their individual situations and goals. Recognizing that some judges take a strong interest in helping people struggling with meth addiction recover and reform, we may be able to help you get the treatment you need rather than prison time and a criminal record that could be crippling for your future.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation on Your Case and Defense Options

To talk with a lawyer who makes intelligent, resourceful drug crime defense a priority and believes in the importance of constructive consequences, call or e-mail our offices now.

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