Smuggling Charges in LA Airport

Last Modified: October 18, 2024

Smuggling contraband into the United States is a serious criminal offense. There are many scenarios that can lead to charges of smuggling. You may have been used as an unwitting intermediary. Someone may have “planted” contraband in your luggage. You may have been unaware of the value of what you were carrying. In such a case, attempting to talk your way out of the situation could be the worst approach. Whatever legitimate explanation you may have, you need to understand how your constitutional rights apply in your case.

At the Law Offices of Daniel R. Perlman, we represent clients who have been arrested at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on charges of smuggling items such as the following:

  • Money over allowed undeclared amounts
  • Gold
  • Precious metals
  • Jewelry
  • Precious stones
  • Drugs
  • Animal products
  • Live animals such as parrots
  • Plant products
  • Endangered plant varieties (whether seeds or young plants)
  • Carved ivory
  • Banned imports such as Persian rugs from Iran

If you are fortunate enough to receive this advice early in the process, trust this important recommendation: say as little as possible to any investigator or government authority figure. You should have qualified legal counsel before you submit to any interrogations or even make small talk with officials. They are experts at getting suspects to weaken their own defense through “casual conversation.” Do not say, “Someone must have switched bags on me,” or “I made a mistake,” or anything at all other than, “I need to talk to an attorney.

An adept lawyer can help mitigate the damage to your future with regard to Los Angeles airport smuggling charges. Were you accused of smuggling banned substances, imports or financial instruments? Remember: Officers and judges are likely to view you as a “case number,” a statistic or an example. At the Law Offices of Daniel R. Perlman, we see our clients as human beings. Becoming very familiar with the big picture of a person’s life history is one of our strongest tools for defense. With in-depth information about your background as well as facts about your case, we will be well prepared to advocate zealously on your behalf.

Speak to One of Our Los Angeles Airport Smuggling Defense Lawyers Today

For prompt, effective legal counsel regarding smuggling charges at the Los Angeles International Airport or any other airport in Southern California, contact us online or call us in Los Angeles at (310) 557-1700 or (310) 557-1700 for a free initial consultation.

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