Credit card fraud is a wide-ranging term for theft and fraud. It may be alleged that you tried to obtain goods without paying or attempted to get unauthorized funds from an account. Often, credit card fraud charges are part of identity theft allegations.
If you have been charged or are under investigation for credit card fraud or any white collar crime, the sooner you get help form an experienced criminal defense attorney, the better chance you have of a good resolution. Call the Law Offices of Daniel R. Perlman at (310) 557-1700 or email our office for a no-cost, confidential consultation.
Credit card fraud can range from a misunderstanding of using a friend’s or relative’s card, or the organized intent of committing fraud or theft multiple times. Credit card fraud is often charged as a felony initially, and it is often possible for an experienced attorney to negotiate a reduction of the felony to a misdemeanor an avoid jail time — even if you admitted to having committed the crime.
Additional charges related to credit card fraud:
As in many criminal defense charges, understanding the true facts of your credit card fraud allegation, the typical court proceedings and the possible outcome allows a skillful criminal defense lawyer to offer you and the prosecution a satisfactory solution. There is no substitute for knowledge of the laws, negotiating skill, and practical experience.
In your defense, attorney Daniel Perlman will fully evaluate your credit card fraud case. He will examine the evidence, outline your options, and then work to defend you. Our law office is committed to our clients and we welcome the opportunity to speak with you. There is no cost for your initial consultation, and it will be in complete confidence. Email our office or call (310) 557-1700.
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If you or a loved one needs the assistance of our criminal law attorneys, please feel free to contact us in the way that is most convenient to you, whether that is calling us at (310) 557-1700 or completing the contact form below. All fields are required.